Weather Archive

Tuesday, May 19, 2009


What a great time at Jacksonville Beach Saturday. Life Rolls On empowered 23 individuals with spinal cord injury to experience exhilaration and independence through surfing.  Seven  participants were first-time surfers.  Imagine surfing for the first time in 2' surf. One participant told me it was amazing to get past her usual beach boundary where the sand starts.  Typically this is as far as she get to the shore but today she was able to get to the sand and beyond.  To actually go in the water and surf a wave was an unforgettable experience for this person confined to a wheelchair.

Check out Anthony Free who rode the waves Saturday. He is in the middle of us all. I was part of the deep water green team. We pulled Anthony out and positioned the rider in the right part of the wave before pushing him into a long ride toward shore.  Anthony was brave and kept wanting more.  He should be proud for what he accomplished Saturday.  Anthony pushes the boundary and lives life to the fullest.  Good job!

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